We are back from our vacation and we got a great newsletter this week too! This week we got a brand new horror movie review for you. We haven't done a movie review in a couple months. Also we got a official sponsor for Find Your Fear!
So we are reviewing Orphan!
Now before I went to see this Orphan I herd a lot of bad reviews for it. So when I finally went to see it I was very surprised how good it was! Orphan was a very creepy,it had a lot of parts that was really creepy. Now the beginning was pretty slow and kinda boring. But it gets really good as the movie goes on. The little girl who plays in it was very good. The things this little girl dose through out the movie is very creepy. Now Orphan was not a movie to make you jump out of your seat. Actually their was no part in the movie that makes you jump. Which to me they could have added some scary parts. But other then that I really liked the movie. Its also not gory but let me tell you it dose not haft to be gory to make it good. I cant give anything away about the ending of Orphan but I will say it was really weird but it was good. But that is me some say its stupid. So you will haft to go and see it for your self. All in All I thought Orphan was a very good movie!
So our official rating for Orphan is: 4 out of 6 Skulls!
As we been mentioning through out the month about our Find Your Fear which is free haunted attraction advertising in Michigan,Ohio and neighboring city's in Ontario!
Channel 66.6 Haunted Radio is now the official sponsor of Find Your Fear. We have mentioned a lot on the newsletter. Channel 66.6 is the best place to get your latest news on everything horror. To us their the best Horror PodCast out their!
So make sure you go to their website http://hauntedradio.50webs.com
Also go to our official Find Your Fear Myspace: www.mypsace.com/findfear
And make sure to go to our site for Find your Fear and all of our Horror Move Reviews
go to http://mchc60.50webs.com
Thanks for reading