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Hills Have Eyes 2 Review and Horror news 1/13/09
Hello all folks and welcome to our newsletter. We got another great horror movie review for you guys.
This review is.. The Hills Have Eyes 2 which came out in 2007.

Hills have eyes was a pretty decent film that came out in 2007. It was not as good as the first one that came out in 2006. Which was a remake from the first Hills Have Eyes which came out in 1977 and in my books its one of the best horror movie classics that ever came out. But the second hills have eyes was not as good as the first horror remake. It really was kinda dull their was no real plot change just different characters. Now the monsters in it looked the same as the first one. They looked sick they looked 10 times better then the first original one. But it dose have some pretty scary parts in it and their is some pretty creepy parts in it as well. But I believe their was not as much gory scenes in the second one then the first one. But it was a pretty good film but I really like the first one more then the second one.
But were both very good movies to watch
so we give it a good 4 out of 6 Skulls!
Now we do have some good news in the club as well. We are getting a lot more new members in the club which is Great! Another big news in the club is in partners with Channel 66.6 Haunted Radio we have made a fright Forum in which you can go and talk about your favorite haunted houses horror movies and much more! We will be posting weekly stuff on their as well.
Go to http://frightforum. proboards. com/index. cgi
and next week we will be posting our top ten haunts of 2008!
So Stay warm out their! Thanks
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