Summer of Screams is something we just started this year! Summer of screams is going to be about our favorite haunted attractions not just in Michigan but all around the Untied States! We are going to advertise them and explain a little bit why they are our favorite. But we also are going to give our list on our favorite Haunted Houses in Michigan and Ohio! But were not just going too do the list ourselves we want you guys to give us a list and we will have it up on our website and our newsletter. We want to here from our members what is their favorite haunted house.
Now to send in your list just email us at and just give us the list and we will put it up on the site and news letter!
Our site will be updated when we officially start it off next week! The site will have all of our list on it! So come check out our site!
So stay tuned for Summer of Screams!
and GO WINGS!!!!
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