This week are back in action and we Finley got a new horror movie review for you guys,This week we are reviewing... Stepfather(2009)
So lets get started!
Well most of you know,that this movie was a remake from the 80's slasher film which was a good movie, now I know here we go another horrible remake. But to me I thought this was actually a decent film. Now you can't beat the original but this move dose do a good job to make it compare to the original. That is actually one of the reason why I like this film because it really didn't change anything they kept to the same plot and didn't had anything else in like you see in a lot of remakes now a day. But I do got some bad things to say about this film, it is very Dull it is really boring almost all the way to the very end were it gets exciting. Which to me is kinda of dumb if you are going to have a movie at least make it kinda exciting trough out the entire film not just one part of the film. Another thing I disliked about The Stepfather is that there was no music in the whole entire film and to me music is a key to a good movie. Music can set the mood in the movie and this movie was missing it. But other then that I enjoyed watching this film it stock to the original and made it a lot better. So if you liked the original I pretty much think you will like this move as well,its well worth the watch!
Our official rating for The Stepfather is: 3 out of 6 skulls!
We hope you enjoyed our review of The Stepfather. Now we got some news in club normaly we send the newsletter out on Tuesday but we are going to make it on Wensday which its not really big news but we decided to inform you Every wensday is going to be our new newsletter day!
Now we also we want to remind you to vote in on your favorite horror movie of 2009 and many more categorys in our Movie of Fright Awards 2010 Go to our site to vote. Voting Ends on febuary 8th. So please go and vote.
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