Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Plans For The New Year!!

Hello all,and Happy 2010!!
We hope everyone had a great holiday and a happy new year!
Now this newsletter is going to be short this week because we are getting everything set up for a new year in the club!
Now this is our 4th year of MCHC and we keep making changes in the club for the members and to get more people into the club.
We would like to say that every year since we have started the club we have gained more and more members and we hope this trend will continue for 2010!

Now as promised we are here to announce our 2010 new plans for the year
This year we are focusing on advertisement for the club and getting more people into MCHC

Now we are making plans to have a Facebook and a Twitter.
Now the Facebook is up and running and we are editing it this week,so it should be up to date with information this week.
If you want to find us on facebook search up MCHC Paras on facebook and also there will be a link on our site as well.
Now our twitter is in the works,and that should be up as well pretty soon.

Another thing we are going to do is update our Youtube account which hasn't been updated in a while.
On our youtube we will have videos on:
Our Favorite Haunted houses
and a Monthly video podcast
Our youtube link is: www.youtube.com/mchc60

Our last plan is we are going to have more elections in the club,on varies of things.

Starting next week we will have our 2nd annual Horror Movie Rewards,where you vote on your favorite horror movie for 2009 and other great categories. The candidates and categories will be announced next week!!

So we hope you enjoy our new ideas for the club and we promise you that we are going to work hard this year to please everyone in the club. And if you got any ideas for the club just give us a email at motorcityhorrorclub@gmail.com
So here is all our links
Website: http://mchc60.50webs.com
Our facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000614075085
Fright Fourm http://frightforum.proboards.com/
Myspace: www.myspace.com/motorcityhorrorclub
Thanks for reading

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