This is our second week of our Holiday of Horrors celebration. During Holiday of Horrors we review horror movies for the Christmas and Holiday season.
This week we got a brand new review for you of.....
The Fourth Kind
Now when I first went to see this movie I had mix feelings on how good this movie was going to be. But I was pretty surprised on how good this film was. Now if you don't know what this movie is about, here is a little description. The Fourth Kind is about disappearances believe to be from the Fourth Kind or aliens. Now its supposed to be on actual cases that happened in Nome,Alaska.
Like I said this movie was pretty good at times and at other times it was really I mean really dull. Some scenes were almost putting me to sleep. But then again their was some scenes that were really good. Now if you don't really believe in alien abductions then you might not like this film. But I got to admit that some of the scenes where its on a home video camera are really good almost like chilling like at some points in the film. One of the things I like about "The Fourth Kind" is the actors every single one of them played a good role in the film. But the dullness of the film was horrible, there wasn't no spark in it like a lot of movies have. Like I said the home videos were really good but other then that I was pretty much falling a sleep trough the film. I know that is pretty harsh to say but it wasn't that exciting to keep you on the edge. But if you like chilling movies this movie is one of them... If you can stay awake
Our offical ratinf of "The Fourth Kind" is...... 3 out of 6 Skulls!!
We Hoped you enjoyed our review for The Fourth Kind.
Now we got the website all updated for Holiday of Horrors with all our latest horror movie reviews.
We got one more review for you right now for.... Saw 6
So stay tunned
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