This week we continue our Holiday of Horrors Celebration. This is our 2nd from last horror movie review for this month and year!! Next week will be our last news letter of Holiday of Horrors and of the Year due to the holidays we like to take the week off.
But lets get to this week
This week we are reviewing........The Happening (2008)
Now we do know that this movie is a year old. But this year we have reviewed a lot of the newer films. So we decided to review it.
You have probably herd a lot about The Happening probably a lot of bad things right? Well they are right. This movie sucked really bad. Now usually I am not a big critic on movies I like a lot of movies that a lot of people like. But this movie was horrible. The plot was pretty good I mean there is no movie out there with a plot like that. But then once you find out what is causing all the the people to kill themselves then it turns really stupid! Now I do not want to give the spoiler for the movie. But it is really dumb. Also its really dull,once you get past the first 30 minutes you have a hard time staying awake to it. Also the actors suck they are dull as well. Now the scenes were people kill themselves are pretty good and they are creative. But other then that this movie was just plane out WEIRD.
So if you like a lot of weird scenes then this movie might be for you. But I talked to a lot of people that usually like those kind of movies and they said once they found out why people are killing themselves,they started to hate it as well. So I think you should check it out if you get a chance too but don't go rushing to buy it or rent it.
So our official rating for The Happening (The lowest review we have ever gave a movie is)
2 out of 6 skulls!
We hoped you enjoyed our review of The Happening,
Next week we are reviewing The Stepfather any maybe another film but I am not promising anything on that.
Also make sure you check all our reviews for Holidays of horrors on our site
go to: http:/
Well stay tuned
Thanks for Reading
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